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 Paraguas luminoso







" Providing the housing of a mechanism that allows us to be in the landscape without getting wet ...

Building a large umbrella that protects us from continuous rain of Galicia, both indoors and outdoors ...

Its folded shape as large gutters, lead the rain towards water ponds nearby: mirrors that give the area covered, reflected images of the landscape that are beyond.

The same rain that fills the pond is what allows us to introduce the reflected light into the interior.

Domesticate the landscape slope, to adapt it and also to provide public spaces that interrelated with the housing.

Following the water course,thinking in a system of sources and irrigation of gardens closing the water cycle, integrating in this system of ephemeral channels the return of the waters "                                                                                                                                                                                                    

               (From  the competition´s memory)





Location : Os Capelos [Spain]      Type : architecture I social housing I competition + project       Client : Sepes. Spanish Housing Ministry      





As a result of the award of the Project Viva competition that promoted the creation of innovative social housing, a project of 14 houses in two plots were commissioned.

Both of them were located on the limits of a larger urban development next to an industry area and in the surroundings of a small town.

A sharp topography also gave them a special character, visually dominating the landscape and transforming it into a visible area from the town. A single image with a scale that it could dialogue with the landscape is pursuited and two multifamiliar housing are proposed, avoiding the repetition of individual units.

Functionally housing are articulated in linear part in two bands :

a) service spaces ( bathroom, kitchen, corridors) facing north and functioning as thermal shock from the rest of the areas

b ) served spaces (bedroom , living- dining room) facing south and profiting of their optimal orientation and views.

The folding ceiling provides a different and unique spatiality for each dwelling, appearing double heights , and unique mixed rooms ( living-dining- kitchen) .

In terms of materiality, a presence capable of reconciling the industrial character of the nearby area and the housing program is searched. IA metal cover and an enclosure of cellular polycarbonate (typical on industrial buildings) is used, providing varying degrees of transparency and translucency of the landscape to the inner space.

​© 2013 by sandramartínsimón [arquitectura]                                                                                                                                                


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